navigation classes

15 to 19 year olds

navigation classes

15 to 19 year olds

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105

During the high school years, our goal is for students to move more and more toward independence. We integrate hands-on experience and apprenticeship opportunities whenever possible.

At Haywood Haven, we believe skill mastery and discerning God’s will for our lives, not grades, is the goal of education. You may notice that ninth grade is included in both the junior high classes and high school. That’s because the classes offered in both levels are of benefit to these students. Ninth graders may apply to attend high school classes and be evaluated based on maturity, commitment to learning, and work ethic. Our high school classes are designed to push students to think deeply about their beliefs and goals. 

We’re excited to launch dual enrollment classes this year where students can earn 6 credit hours through York University. More information is provided below. In addition to math, language arts, science, and history, we offer extracurricular classes including logic, graphic design, public speaking, and more!


During the high school years, our goal is for students to move more and more toward independence. We integrate hands-on experience and apprenticeship opportunities whenever possible.

At Haywood Haven, we believe skill mastery and discerning God’s will for our lives, not grades, is the goal of education. You may notice that ninth grade is included in both the junior high classes and high school. That’s because the classes offered in both levels are of benefit to these students. Ninth graders may apply to attend high school classes and be evaluated based on maturity, commitment to learning, and work ethic. Our high school classes are designed to push students to think deeply about their beliefs and goals. 

We’re excited to launch dual enrollment classes this year where students can earn 6 credit hours through York University. More information is provided below. Extracurriculars include logic, graphic design, public speaking, and more!


instruction + application + enrichment = mastery

instruction + application + enrichment = mastery

customizable Christian education

One of our core beliefs is that parents know best what their children need.

We serve families with a broad range of academic needs. In order to support that spectrum, our classes can be taken a la carte or by the day. We empower you to build your child's education. Tuition prices for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days are listed at the bottom of this page. If you'd like prices for a la carte classes, please fill out the form.

Example schedules:

  • all Tuesday and Thursday classes + Junior Chef Book Club on (Monday) + Drama & Music (Wednesday)
  • just Public Speaking
  • just Wednesay
  • etc.

Dual Enrollment Option

Students can choose to take American Literature and Government at Haywood Haven for just high school credit or to dual enroll for both high school and college credit. They will recieve 6 credit hours through York University (for an additional $100 fee). To learn more, watch this video discussion with our teacher, Mr. Scott Clifton.



8:30 - 11:00

Devotionals, American Government & American Literature

**Students can choose to take these classes for 6 hours of college credit for $100 fee**

American Government:

It’s more important than ever that our children are educated on the structure of our government and their rights. Scott Clifton has been teaching homeschool classes for over two decades. He is the author of our text American Government for Christian Homeschoolers. Topics include a Biblical worldview of government, influences on America’s government formation, government types and their strengths and weaknesses, the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and U. S. Constitution, constitutional amendments, key Supreme Court cases, nullification, political parties, secession, the North/South War’s effect on U. S. government, taxation, and more!

American Lit:
Students analyze essays, speeches, poems, letters, short stories, a novel, and a biography of American literature.  They also review literary elements (theme, plot, character, setting, poetry terms, irony, symbolism, tone, and style). Grammar rules are practiced to mastery. Compositions are assigned in response to both American government and literature.


11:05 - 12:05

Algebra 1/Study Hall

Placement tests will be given to determine student placement. Saxon math curriculum will be used. 

Algebra 1

This class covers signed numbers, exponents, and roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notation; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability.


12:05 - 12:50


We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


12:55 - 1:55

Algebra 2/Study Hall

Algebra 2

Traditional second-year algebra topics, as well as a full semester of informal geometry, are included with both real-world, abstract and interdisciplinary applications. Topics include geometric functions, angles, perimeters, and proportional segments; negative exponents; quadratic equations; metric conversions; logarithms; and advanced factoring.


2:00 - 3:00


It’s important for our students to be able to think critically so they can make wise decisions. Students will learn to recognize the fallacies they see every day, including the Red Herring, Ad Hominem attacks, the Straw Man, loaded questions, equivocation, circular reasoning, either-or, generalizations, analogies, propaganda, special pleading, slippery slope fallacies, and more.Using The Fallacy Detective as our text, we’ll work through historical and imaginary situations to train students in critical thinking.


8:30 - 11:00 Devotionals, American Government & American Literature

**Students can choose to take these classes for 6 hours of college credit for $100 fee**

American Government:

It’s more important than ever that our children are educated on the structure of our government and their rights. Scott Clifton has been teaching homeschool classes for over two decades. He is the author of our text American Government for Christian Homeschoolers. Topics include a Biblical worldview of government, influences on America’s government formation, government types and their strengths and weaknesses, the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and U. S. Constitution, constitutional amendments, key Supreme Court cases, nullification, political parties, secession, the North/South War’s effect on U. S. government, taxation, and more!

American Lit:
Students analyze essays, speeches, poems, letters, short stories, a novel, and a biography of American literature.  They also review literary elements (theme, plot, character, setting, poetry terms, irony, symbolism, tone, and style). Grammar rules are practiced to mastery. Compositions are assigned in response to both American government and literature.

11:05 - 12:05 Algebra 1/Study Hall

Placement tests will be given to determine student placement. Saxon math curriculum will be used. 

Algebra 1

This class covers signed numbers, exponents, and roots; absolute value; equations and inequalities; scientific notation; unit conversions; polynomials; graphs; factoring; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variations; exponential growth; statistics; and probability.

12:05 - 12:50 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:55 - 1:55 Algebra 2/Study Hall

Algebra 2

Traditional second-year algebra topics, as well as a full semester of informal geometry, are included with both real-world, abstract and interdisciplinary applications. Topics include geometric functions, angles, perimeters, and proportional segments; negative exponents; quadratic equations; metric conversions; logarithms; and advanced factoring.

2:00 - 3:00 Logic

It’s important for our students to be able to think critically so they can make wise decisions. Students will learn to recognize the fallacies they see every day, including the Red Herring, Ad Hominem attacks, the Straw Man, loaded questions, equivocation, circular reasoning, either-or, generalizations, analogies, propaganda, special pleading, slippery slope fallacies, and more.Using The Fallacy Detective as our text, we’ll work through historical and imaginary situations to train students in critical thinking.

Tuesday & Thursday


8:30 - 10:40

Devotionals, American Government & American Literature Discussion & Study Group

This class will be used to discuss and complete the assignments for Mondays classes.


10:45 - 11:45

Algebra Study Group

This class period will be used to complete the assignments for Monday’s Algebra 1 & 2. A teacher will be available for support if needed.


11:50 - 12:50


We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


12:55 - 1:55

Earth Science

In Earch Science, students will learn about 100 spectacular geological formations on the North American continent, including volcanoes, canyons, glaciers, lakes, craters, and plains. They will learn how each was formed and study the powerful forces constantly reshaping the planet, such as plate tectonics, weathering, and erosion. They will also learn about the various geological regions of North America and what makes each unique. Finally, they will research the geological areas particular to their state or province.

While the text focuses on North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico, students can apply the ideas to any continent. Those who do not live in North America will be prompted to discover similar features and regions on their continent.


2:00 - 3:00

Public Speaking

Having strong communication skills opens doors for students in situations ranging from employment to scholarships. It gives them the confidence to share their ideas and stand for what they believe. In this class, we’ll practice the great speeches of history and write our own. Students will learn to think critically and strengthen their oral and written communication. They’ll research topics of interest and present interesting, engaging speeches. We’ll use the book The Captivating Public Speaker: Engage, Impact, and Inspire Your Audience Every Time as our text $18.

Tuesday & Thursday

8:30 - 10:40 Devotionals, American Government & American Literature Discussion & Study Group

This class will be used to discuss and complete the assignments for Mondays classes.

10:45 - 11:45 Algebra Study Group

This class period will be used to complete the assignments for Monday’s Algebra 1 & 2. A teacher will be available for support if needed.

11:50 - 12:50 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:55 - 1:55 Earth Science

In Earch Science, students will learn about 100 spectacular geological formations on the North American continent, including volcanoes, canyons, glaciers, lakes, craters, and plains. They will learn how each was formed and study the powerful forces constantly reshaping the planet, such as plate tectonics, weathering, and erosion. They will also learn about the various geological regions of North America and what makes each unique. Finally, they will research the geological areas particular to their state or province.

While the text focuses on North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico, students can apply the ideas to any continent. Those who do not live in North America will be prompted to discover similar features and regions on their continent.

2:00 - 3:00 Public Speaking

Having strong communication skills opens doors for students in situations ranging from employment to scholarships. It gives them the confidence to share their ideas and stand for what they believe. In this class, we’ll practice the great speeches of history and write our own. Students will learn to think critically and strengthen their oral and written communication. They’ll research topics of interest and present interesting, engaging speeches. We’ll use the book The Captivating Public Speaker: Engage, Impact, and Inspire Your Audience Every Time as our text $18.



8:30 - 9:30

The History of Money & Why It Matters

Using the book Broken Money, we’ll explore the history of money through the lens of technology. Politics can affect things temporarily and locally, but technology is what drives things forward globally and permanently. Students will walk away with a deep understanding of money and monetary history.


9:35 - 11:00

Biblical Worldview

Students will learn what a Biblical worldview is and learn how to evaluate their own beliefs and those of others to determine what values are at play. They’ll discuss current events and topics through the lens of a Christian worldview. The goal of this class is to equip them to be in the world but not of the world.


11:05 - 11:50


We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


11:55 - 1:25

Graphic Design

Our Graphic Design class will introduce students to the basics of design including color theory, negative space, perspective, scaling, typography and more. Students will learn to use Canva to design social media graphics, print media, presentations, and other assets.


1:30 - 3:00

Life Skills or PE

Life Skills:

Our children need to know how to be successful, functional human beings. Skills like planning and preparing a meal, creating a budget, changing a tire, basic self-defense, minor sewing, and more are necessary to live independently.


Physical activity is vital to a student’s well-being. This class is an opportunity to learn the basic skills of popular sports. We’ll play basketball, volleyball, golf, crossnet, dodgeball, relays, and more.


8:30 - 9:30 The History of Money & Why It Matters

Using the book Broken Money, we’ll explore the history of money through the lens of technology. Politics can affect things temporarily and locally, but technology is what drives things forward globally and permanently. Students will walk away with a deep understanding of money and monetary history.

9:35 - 11:00 Biblical Worldview

Students will learn what a Biblical worldview is and learn how to evaluate their own beliefs and those of others to determine what values are at play. They’ll discuss current events and topics through the lens of a Christian worldview. The goal of this class is to equip them to be in the world but not of the world.

11:05 - 11:50 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:25 - 1:25 Graphic Design

Our Graphic Design class will introduce students to the basics of design including color theory, negative space, perspective, scaling, typography and more. Students will learn to use Canva to design social media graphics, print media, presentations, and other assets.

1:30 - 3:00 Life Skills or PE

Life Skills:

Our children need to know how to be successful, functional human beings. Skills like planning and preparing a meal, creating a budget, changing a tire, basic self-defense, minor sewing, and more are necessary to live independently.


Physical activity is vital to a student’s well-being. This class is an opportunity to learn the basic skills of popular sports. We’ll play basketball, volleyball, golf, crossnet, dodgeball, relays, and more.


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