investigative classes

11 to 15 year olds

investigative classes

11 to 15 year olds

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

– Ephesians 2:10

During the middle school and junior high years, students move from mastering  foundational skills to investigation, asking why things happen and work the way they do. If given the chance, they will become investigators and activators of knowledge.

At Haywood Haven, we believe skill mastery and discerning God’s will for our lives, not grades, is the goal of education. Students in 6th through 9th grade enjoy a wide range of classes that blend classical approaches with Montessori techniques. Hands-on and project-based education is utilized to harness their investigative minds. They also begin to practice logic and rhetoric to ask questions and find answers on their way to gaining wisdom.

We believe parents are the best source of wisdom about how, what, and when their child learns best. We seek to empower parents to take control of their child’s education by giving them the ability to build a customized schedule that fits their families needs.

We also believe mastery is achieved through a formula of instruction, application, and enrichment. Our class days are broken up to focus on these elements (instruction on Tuesday and Thursday; application on Wednesday; enrichment on Monday). Parents are able to choose certain classes, individual days, or all classes Monday through Thursday.

During the middle school and junior high years, students move from mastering  foundational skills to investigation, asking why things happen and work the way they do. If given the chance, they will become investigators and activators of knowledge.

At Haywood Haven, we believe skill mastery and discerning God’s will for our lives, not grades, is the goal of education. Students in 6th through 9th grade enjoy a wide range of classes that blend classical approaches with Montessori techniques. Hands-on and project-based education is utilized to harness their investigative minds. They also begin to practice logic and rhetoric to ask questions and find answers on their way to gaining wisdom.

We believe parents are the best source of wisdom about how, what, and when their child learns best. We seek to empower parents to take control of their child’s education by giving them the ability to build a customized schedule that fits their families needs.

We also believe mastery is achieved through a formula of instruction, application, and enrichment. Our class days are broken up to focus on these elements (instruction on Tuesday and Thursday; application on Wednesday; enrichment on Monday). Parents are able to choose certain classes, individual days, or all classes Monday through Thursday.

instruction + application + enrichment = mastery

instruction + application + enrichment = mastery

customizable Christian education

One of our core beliefs is that parents know best what their children need. We serve families that desire broad academic support and those who just want to enroll in one class. In order to support that spectrum, our classes can be taken a la carte or by the day. We empower you to build your child’s education. Tuition prices for 1, 2, 3, or 4 days are listed at the bottom of this page. There is a also a link to view individual class prices. Please fill out the form below the schedules and price tables to discuss a “build your own schedule” price.

Example schedule: enrollment in all Tuesday and Thursday classes + Junior Chef Book Club on (Monday) + Drama & Music (Wednsday)



6th – 7th Grade

8th – 9th Grade


8:30 - 10:00

Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.

Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.


10:05 - 11:05

STEAM Math Games

Children need to experience math concepts from all different angles to truly master them. We’ve spent years gathering math manipulatives, games, and resources so students can anchor fundamental concepts. Students will be guided to the materials needed for their current concept.

STEAM Math Games

Children need to experience math concepts from all different angles to truly master them. We’ve spent years gathering math manipulatives, games, and resources so students can anchor fundamental concepts. Students will be guided to the materials needed for their current concept.


11:10 - 12:20

<-------- COMMUNITY TIME -------->

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


12:25 - 1:25

History's Heroes

History offers examples of people who stood up for what was right in the face of significant opposition. Their stories can inspire us to be bold. Using the Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes students will be inspired and encouraged.

History's Heroes

History offers examples of people who stood up for what was right in the face of significant opposition. Their stories can inspire us to be bold. Using the Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes students will be inspired and encouraged.


1:30 - 3:00

Intro to Public Speaking

In this class, we’ll practice the great speeches of history and write our own. Students will learn to think critically and strengthen oral and written communication. They’ll research topics of interest and present interesting, engaging speeches. We’ll use the book The Captivating Public Speaker: Engage, Impact, and Inspire Your Audience Every Time as our text $18.

Intro to Public Speaking

In this class, we’ll practice the great speeches of history and write our own. Students will learn to think critically and strengthen oral and written communication. They’ll research topics of interest and present interesting, engaging speeches. We’ll use the book The Captivating Public Speaker: Engage, Impact, and Inspire Your Audience Every Time as our text $18.

Tuesday & Thursday


6th – 7th Grade

8th – 9th Grade


8:30 - 9:00


Worshiping and reading God’s Word together is such a blessing. Beginning our day this way helps to set the stage for open minds and hearts.


Worshiping and reading God’s Word together is such a blessing. Beginning our day this way helps to set the stage for open minds and hearts.


9:05 - 11:30

Math & Language Arts

Once students reach middle school math, development is very individualized. Because of this, we’ll be using both in class instruction and an online program to allow them to move at their own pace. 

Math Grade 6:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the sixth grade level, students will learn:

  • Understand pre-algebra concepts
  • Identify decimal place value; compare and order decimals using a number line
  • Know how to use ratios and rates to compare data
  • Locate and plot points on a coordinate graph using ordered pairs
  • Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents

Math Grade 7:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the seventh grade level, students will learn to:

  • Develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers.
  • Accurately represent rational numbers with decimals.
  • Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, and volume.
  • Extend use of arithmetic operations on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities.

Language Arts
Sixth and seventh grade language arts focuses on phonics, fluency, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing processes and more. The goal for the program is to help students develop strategies for active reading and clear writing. Students will also have the chance to read great literature.

Math & Language Arts

Once students reach middle school math, development is very individualized. Because of this, we’ll be using both in class instruction and an online program to allow them to move at their own pace. A 

Math Grade 8:

Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the eighth grade level, students will learn:

  • Identify rational and irrational numbers and describe meanings.
  • Calculate and approximate principal square roots.
  • Identify and perform transformations of a figure on a coordinate plane.
  • Solve problems in two variables using linear equations.
  • Determine the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of real-world data.

Math Grade 9:

Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the ninth grade level, students will learn to:

  • basic rules of solving equations using the associative, commutative, and other properties. 
  • complete simple operations with polynomials are demonstrated with place-value blocks for conceptual understanding before being taught conventionally.
  • geometry concepts include surface area, volume, and the Pythagorean theorem.


Language Arts

Eighth and ninth grade language arts focuses on strengthening writing, reading, and language skills learned previously. Students work toward mastery of complex reading passages, figurative language, summarizing, and grammarStudents will learn researching, pre-writing, organization, editing, and finalizing compositions.


11:35 - 12:50

<------ COMMUNITY TIME ------>

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


12:55 - 3:00

Earth Science & Geography

Earth Science:
Students will learn about the wonders of God’s creation, including water & weather, the universe, and planet Earth. This class will cover the intricacies of earth & space science through geology, astronomy, and meteorology lessons. 


Let’s travel around the world and learn about the geographical details, cultures, animals, and other elements of each continent. This is a hands-on, experiential class with cooking, research, presentations, and more.

Earth Science & Geography

Earth Science:
Students will learn about the wonders of God’s creation, including water & weather, the universe, and planet Earth. This class will cover the intricacies of earth & space science through geology, astronomy, and meteorology lessons. 


Let’s travel around the world and learn about the geographical details, cultures, animals, and other elements of each continent. This is a hands-on, experiential class with cooking, research, presentations, and more.



6th – 7th Grade

8th – 9th Grade


8:30 - 10:00

Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.

Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.


10:05 - 11:15

Book Club

Book Club is a wonderful time to fall in love with literature, let your imagination run wild, and build friendships (both on and off the page). We’ll begin the semester by giving the students the chance to choose the books the club reads based on their shared interests from a list of options. The goal will be to read and discuss 3-4 books a semester. Reading assignments will be given for the week and class time will be set up like a casual discussion complete with tea and snacks!

Book Club

Book Club is a wonderful time to fall in love with literature, let your imagination run wild, and build friendships (both on and off the page). We’ll begin the semester by giving the students the chance to choose the books the club reads based on their shared interests from a list of options. The goal will be to read and discuss 3-4 books a semester. Reading assignments will be given for the week and class time will be set up like a casual discussion complete with tea and snacks!


11:20 - 12:20

<------- COMMUNITY TIME ------->

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.


12:25 - 1:25

World Project

This will be a project-based, research-focused class. Students will become the ambassador of a country of their choice. They’ll research the customs, people, history, food, music, religion, natural resources, and more. They’ll then represent their country to the class and share their newfound knowledge with the group. We’ll celebrate national holidays and feast days.


1:30 - 3:00

Life Skills or PE

Life Skills:

Our children need to know how to be successful, functional human beings. Skills like planning and preparing a meal, creating a budget, changing a tire, basic self-defense, minor sewing, and more are necessary to live independently.


Physical activity is vital to a student’s well-being. This class is an opportunity to learn the basic skills of popular sports. We’ll play basketball, volleyball, golf, crossnet, dodgeball, relays, and more.

6th – 7th Grade

Monday – Enrichment

8:30 - 10:00 Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.

10:05 - 11:05 STEAM Math Games

Children need to experience math concepts from all different angles to truly master them. We’ve spent years gathering math manipulatives, games, and resources so students can anchor fundamental concepts. Students will be guided to the materials needed for their current concept.

11:20 - 12:20 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:25 - 1:25 History's Heroes

History offers examples of people who stood up for what was right in the face of significant opposition. Their stories can inspire us to be bold. Using the Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes students will be inspired and encouraged.

Tuesday & Thursday – Instruction

8:30 - 9:00 Devotionals

Worshiping and reading God’s Word together is such a blessing. Beginning our day this way helps to set the stage for open minds and hearts.

9:05 - 11:30 Math & Language Arts

Once students reach middle school math, development is very individualized. Because of this, we’ll be using both in class instruction and an online program to allow them to move at their own pace. 

Math Grade 6:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the sixth grade level, students will learn:

  • Understand pre-algebra concepts
  • Identify decimal place value; compare and order decimals using a number line
  • Know how to use ratios and rates to compare data
  • Locate and plot points on a coordinate graph using ordered pairs
  • Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents

Math Grade 7:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the seventh grade level, students will learn to:

  • Develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers.
  • Accurately represent rational numbers with decimals.
  • Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, and volume.
  • Extend use of arithmetic operations on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities.

Language Arts
Sixth and seventh grade language arts focuses on phonics, fluency, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing processes and more. The goal for the program is to help students develop strategies for active reading and clear writing. Students will also have the chance to read great literature.

11:35 - 12:50 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:55 - 3:00 Earth Science & Geography

Earth Science:
Students will learn about the wonders of God’s creation, including water & weather, the universe, and planet Earth. This class will cover the intricacies of earth & space science through geology, astronomy, and meteorology lessons. 


Let’s travel around the world and learn about the geographical details, cultures, animals, and other elements of each continent. This is a hands-on, experiential class with cooking, research, presentations, and more.

8th – 9th Grade

Monday – Enrichment

8:30 - 10:00 Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.

10:05 - 11:05 STEAM Math Games

Children need to experience math concepts from all different angles to truly master them. We’ve spent years gathering math manipulatives, games, and resources so students can anchor fundamental concepts. Students will be guided to the materials needed for their current concept.

11:20 - 12:20 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:25 - 1:25 History's Heroes

History offers examples of people who stood up for what was right in the face of significant opposition. Their stories can inspire us to be bold. Using the Tuttle Twins Guide to Courageous Heroes students will be inspired and encouraged.

Tuesday & Thursday – Instruction

8:30 - 9:00 Devotionals

Worshiping and reading God’s Word together is such a blessing. Beginning our day this way helps to set the stage for open minds and hearts.

9:05 - 11:30 Math & Language Arts

Once students reach middle school math, development is very individualized. Because of this, we’ll be using both in class instruction and an online program to allow them to move at their own pace. 

Math Grade 6:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the sixth grade level, students will learn:

  • Understand pre-algebra concepts
  • Identify decimal place value; compare and order decimals using a number line
  • Know how to use ratios and rates to compare data
  • Locate and plot points on a coordinate graph using ordered pairs
  • Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents

Math Grade 7:
Assessments will be given to determine placement. In the seventh grade level, students will learn to:

  • Develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers.
  • Accurately represent rational numbers with decimals.
  • Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, and volume.
  • Extend use of arithmetic operations on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities.

Language Arts
Sixth and seventh grade language arts focuses on phonics, fluency, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing processes and more. The goal for the program is to help students develop strategies for active reading and clear writing. Students will also have the chance to read great literature.

11:35 - 12:50 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:55 - 3:00 Earth Science & Geography

Earth Science:
Students will learn about the wonders of God’s creation, including water & weather, the universe, and planet Earth. This class will cover the intricacies of earth & space science through geology, astronomy, and meteorology lessons. 


Let’s travel around the world and learn about the geographical details, cultures, animals, and other elements of each continent. This is a hands-on, experiential class with cooking, research, presentations, and more.

Wednesday – Application

8:30 - 10:00 Independent & Group Work

Reserved for Tuesday/Thursday students.  Students will work together, with a teacher, and on their own to complete assignments given on Thursday. They’ll also get extra support in areas where they need more practice or time to reach mastery.

10:05 - 11:15 Book Club

Book Club is a wonderful time to fall in love with literature, let your imagination run wild, and build friendships (both on and off the page). We’ll begin the semester by giving the students the chance to choose the books the club reads based on their shared interests from a list of options. The goal will be to read and discuss 3-4 books a semester. Reading assignments will be given for the week and class time will be set up like a casual discussion complete with tea and snacks!

11:20 - 12:20 COMMUNITY TIME

We believe wholeheartedly that our children need unstructured, supervised time together. Our Community Time is the answer to this need. Students eat lunch, rest their minds, and move their bodies. Board games, outdoor play items, art supplies, and more will be available.

12:25 - 1:25 World Project

This will be a project-based, research-focused class. Students will become the ambassador of a country of their choice. They’ll research the customs, people, history, food, music, religion, natural resources, and more. They’ll then represent their country to the class and share their newfound knowledge with the group. We’ll celebrate national holidays and feast days.

1:30 - 3:00 Life Skills or PE

Life Skills:

Our children need to know how to be successful, functional human beings. Skills like planning and preparing a meal, creating a budget, changing a tire, basic self-defense, minor sewing, and more are necessary to live independently.


Physical activity is vital to a student’s well-being. This class is an opportunity to learn the basic skills of popular sports. We’ll play basketball, volleyball, golf, crossnet, dodgeball, relays, and more.


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  • Réunion+262
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  • San Marino+378
  • Saudi Arabia+966
  • Senegal+221
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  • Seychelles+248
  • Sierra Leone+232
  • Singapore+65
  • Sint Maarten+1
  • Slovakia+421
  • Slovenia+386
  • Solomon Islands+677
  • Somalia+252
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  • South Sudan+211
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  • St. Barthélemy+590
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  • St. Martin+590
  • St. Pierre & Miquelon+508
  • St. Vincent & Grenadines+1
  • Sudan+249
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  • Syria+963
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  • Uganda+256
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  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan+998
  • Vanuatu+678
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  • Wallis & Futuna+681
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  • Yemen+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
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5 + 4 =